Nathalie Stutzmann headlines the September issue of Gramophone

Nathalie Stutzmann headlines the September issue of Gramophone Magazine! This article dives into her backstory and the upcoming album release of Dvořák’s Symphony No. 9 “From the New World” and American Suite with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, which will be released by Warner Classics & Erato on August 30.

Warner Classics & Erato signs exclusive contract with Nathalie Stutzmann

Warner Classics & Erato signs exclusive contract with conductor Nathalie Stutzmann. Her first recording will be a Dvorak album with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra to be released worldwide in August 2024.

“It is an immense joy and honour to join the legendary label Warner Classics and sign an exclusive contract as a conductor. I have a long and rich history of collaboration with this amazing group of people, who love the artists they work with and create a family atmosphere. They are led by Alain Lanceron, whom I thank dearly for his support and truthfulness.” says Stutzmann.

“It is a dream come true to work with a team that understands and respects the necessity for an artist to have the artistic freedom to create a true musical world, and to record works of immense beauty with my favourite orchestras in the world. Music is an eternal source of emotion and must be shared with the world as the best form of spiritual communication with the unknown and the meaning of life.”

Read full announcement at this link.

Nathalie Stutzmann named “Best Conductor of the Year” at Oper Awards

Nathalie Stutzmann has won the prestigious “Best Conductor of the Year” Oper Award last night for her Bayreuth debut with Wagner’s Tannhäuser.

Oper stated: “Anyone who grows up as the child of opera singers, plays the piano, cello and bassoon and then also has an extraordinary instrument in their voice, has supposedly already had enough of God’s gifts. But anyone who hears so many voices singing within them and loves music in all its forms is also destined to conduct. For her outstanding debut on the podium of the Festival Orchestra with Richard Wagner’s energetic Tannhäuser at the Bayreuth Festival 2023, there’s the OPER!”

Nathalie Stutzmann triumphs in Bayreuth, enters conductors hall of fame

“Nathalie Stutzmann has the Bayreuth gene” Oper Magazin
“I had never experienced such a standing ovation at a pit debut in Bayreuth” BR-Klassik
“No one is surprised that Nathalie Stutzmann is making such a sensational Bayreuth conducting debut. (…) You can safely call it a miracle” Süddeutsche Zeitung
“With Stutzmann on the podium, the festival orchestra literally breathes together with the voice” Neue Zürcher Zeitung
“She had the special acoustics in the Festspielhaus well under control right from her debut” Die Welt
“Nathalie Stutzmann received a triumphant welcome” Forum Opéra
“Nathalie Stutzmann gave a masterly performance” Bachtrack
“Such a debut has not been experienced here for a long time” Münchner Merkur

See the full press reviews at this link.

Above video: Nathalie Stutzmann talks about her experience in Bayreuth conducting Wagner’s Tannhäuser in the summer 2023 and reacts to her portrait in the famous conductors hall of fame alongside Fürtwangler, Knappertsbusch, Solti, Böhm and Thielemann, among others.